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Steven Tyler Act: A Nettle in the Nest of our Recorded Lives?

Now that every client has become a server, every reader a potential publisher, and everyday people like tuna fishermen have become reality TV stars, it’s reassuring to see some privacy pushback. Not everyone wants to be a superstar 24X7. Recently, Aerosmith’s Steven Tyler convinced the Hawaiian legislature to pass a law protecting celebrities from paparazzi in Hawaii:

“Creates a civil cause of action of constructive invasion of privacy if the person obtains any type of visual image, sound recording, or other physical impression of another person under circumstances in which another person has a reasonable expectation of keeping private their personal life under certain conditions.”

Perhaps self-publishers on the mainland (aka “facebookers” and others of that ilk) might also catch this privacy wave started by Tyler in Maui. Think of it. You could have some legal recourse when your personal images, voice, or gestures are launched into cyber-eternity and tagged by iPhone-wielding friends and acquaintances without your prior permission. Embarrassed by those reunion pix or home birthday party videos, caught during the ongoing performance we call “life”? Perhaps Tyler’s Law is a first step towards empowering people to publish themselves, or knowingly grant those rights to others.

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