
Game Changer: ePublishing Software in the Hands of the Consumer, not the Publisher

A recent partnership between ePublishing software company Impelsys and DataLore, Inc.  turns digital publishing on its head. (…What else is new?) The two companies have partnered in order to offer customized, branded ebookstores to schools and universities across the Caribbean. But instead of customizing its software solutions to publishers – Impelsys’ epublishing platform iPublishCentral offers

OBS Announces Tiller Books: Putting Publishers Back at the Helm in the Age of the Aggregator

There’s no question that the publishing industry is evolving rapidly. New technology companies spring up daily providing the latest technologies – tablets, e-readers, smartphones – as well as publishing services like file conversion and optimization. But in the frenzy to ensure their content is as widely available as possible without incurring prohibitive setup and/or conversion